Training Programmes
Teachers' training programmes 2021 - 2022
Training for Teachers in Class room Management
Teacher workshop conducted by Mr. Nasir on 17th December 2021 at Marello Public School.

Students' training programmes 2021 - 2022
Digital Wellness & Time Management for Students
Students workshop conducted by Mr.Nasir on 17th December 2021 at Marello Public School .
♻️The meet was held in two sessions.
♻️The first session began at 9.15 am for classes VI and VII and second session at 11.15 am for the students of VIII,IX and X.
Key points in the workshop
✳️ The session was energetic and effective for the children.
✳️ The main focus was on digital wellness and time management.
✳️ Social media can be a useful tool for business, payment of bills, social networking and communication with one another etc.
✳️ It is also useful for the students in ways such as writing articles, poems, short stories etc.
✳️ The drawback of social media is,its distractive and addictive. It leads to poor time management.
✳️ The workshop gave an awareness to the students how to keep away from the notifications and messages coming through the phone.
✳️ The session was also useful to learn the importance of time management.
✳️ The master of the session gave the children an idea to set a timetable that will help them to reduce the wastage of time.
✳️ Children understood that they should not be under the control of technology, instead technology should be under their control.
✳️ Students were glad to attend the session and said that they will be careful to use social media in a healthy manner.

Anti tobaco awareness programme

Students training programmes 2019 - 2020


Teachers Training Programmes 2019-2020