Characteristics of Oblate Education
The aim of the ‘Oblate’ education is to prepare the students for life, forming them to be men and women of competence, conscience and compassion who would be committed to the service of fellow brothers and sisters. following the education principles of their founder, St.Joseph Marrello, the Oblates help the wards entrusted to their care to develop qualities of mind and heart and the necessary skills and attitudes which enable him\ her to be an integrated person who will be a concerned and contributing member of the society and of the nation. To this end,the Oblate education will have the following characteristics;
- God oriented
- Person oriented
- Social and other -related
- Professional or work oriented
- Nation or citizen related
- Universal brorherhood \sisterhood international understanding-oriented
These areas receive their validity from the teaching of moral values and the fundamental principles underlying the Constitution of India