Phone: +99890345677
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Results of STD X
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Trust Deed Certificate
Building Safety Certificate
Fire and Safety Certificate
Certificate of the DEO
Sanitary Certifcate
Prior Recognition Certificate
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Teachers List
Rules & Regulations
School Rules
A student should carry his / her Diary to school every day. It must have his / her photograph with complete information duly signed by parents / guardians.
Students should reach the school at least 5 minutes before the bell timing.
In case the child is being picked up by a person other than the Parent / Nominee, a prior written permission must be taken from school authority.
Students should refrain from carrying valuable items to school. Although every care will be taken of the student’s property, the school will not be responsible for any theft or loss of the same.
School management reserves the right to suspend / expel students whose conduct is harmful to the other students or to the school.
Students should greet their seniors and teachers and give them due respect at all times. Bullying and inappropriate language is not allowed in the school.
The students are to walk smartly in a queue and maintain silence whenever they move about in the corridors. They must also ensure that they keep to the left while walking in the corridors or on the stairs.
Every student must have a minimum of 90% attendance to be promoted to the next class (unless medically advised to take rest).
Once a child has come to the school, he / she should not be asked to come home on half day leave or leave for any period. In case of any emergency, the parent / guardian may collect the child from the school personally.
Students should get the notes, circulars signed by their parents / guardians and return them to the class teachers.
No student shall indulge in any of the following practices, namely-
Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property.
Rowdy and rude behaviour.
Use of violence in any form.
Casteism, communalism or the practice of untouchability.
No books other than text books should be brought to the school.
Bringing electronic gadgets like cell phones, cameras etc., is strictly forbidden.
Use of hair shaping gel is strictly prohibited.